Blue Dog Idiot Pansies
"As a group which includes a number of veterans, the Blue Dogs are unwavering in support of our brave service men and women who have risked their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.), the group's co-chairman for communications.
"We want to pass a GI Bill that is fully paid for so that there is absolutely no chance that these important benefits for our veterans will be cut due to budgetary constraints in the future. We support this program; we just want to make sure that it is done in a responsible manner."
By their logic, the anti-war folks could argue "We support the troops; we just want to make sure that it is in a responsible manner..", as nothing about this damned war has been done in a responsible manner, not the non-existent WMD cooked up as a rationale for war, not the "Bring em on" bullshit bravado, not the 'Mission Accomplished' abomination aboard the USS Potemkin, not the outsourcing of everything, not the Abu Ghraib criminality, not the failure to secure Iraqi weapons that have been turned into IEDs for years, not the complete misunderstanding that we and Iran are supporting the same faction in Iraq, and on and on. The Blue Dogs are awfully late to the party to start talking 'responsibility' now, and hypocritical too, when supporting education for vets would be one of the few responsible things to come out of the war. Make sure its paid for? Sell some F-22s for scrap.
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