Friday, August 08, 2008

Bored in Beijing

The Olympic opening ceremony was visually stunning, with choreography by Lt. Gen. Zhang Jigang. Following the performance was the traditional march of the athletes around the stadium. NBC in their coverage showed George and Laura Bush watching the ceremony. During the performance, Bush was watching through binoculars. During the march of the athletes, he was fidgeting, restless, checking his watch, and generally looking bored out of his fucking skull.

Get it together, man. It's your last Olympics as President of the fucking United States, you just saw an amazing performance, and you are in the Bird's Nest, an architectural masterpiece. Look alive! You have a few hours with no deficit, no Iraq, no economy, and no Cheney. What's the deal, you got Condi Rice waitin for you back at the hotel?

Or maybe you drunk?


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