I'm glad he is a Commander Guy. We wouldn't want President Caillou, or Baghdad Bob the Builder.
I just can't remember who the "Declarer" is, as in declaration of war. Oh, that must be Nancy Pelosi, "Declarer" of the House.
I'll leave the rest of the cheap jokes to Lettermen and other skilled satirists. I feel compelled to dig into Bush's speech to the contractors in which he uttered the title phrase.
"Last week, General Petraeus ... reminded us that not all the reinforcements he'd requested have arrived"
Is this a complaint that Bush isn't really giving the commanders what they asked for?
"My theory is, and it's a good one, is that if the capital is in chaos, the country can't -- it's going to be difficult for the country to survive."
That's some great insight. Baghdad, however, has been somewhat chaotic ever since the occupation began. Why the need for a Green Zone in the first place? When was the UN bombed out of Baghdad, 2003?
"General Petraeus reports that American and Iraqi forces received more tips from local residents in the past four months than during any other four-month period on record. People are beginning to have some confidence and they're beginning to step forth with information, information that will help them live normal lives."
It would be nice to know why. Is it becasue Petraeus has encouraged soldiers to listen to tips? Is it that the people are more desparate? Is it that they think they can get revenge on someone who has wronged them by turning them in? Are the tips valuable, or are they ambush attempts?
"I worry about a situation where if radicals took control of a country like Iraq, they would have oil resources to use at their disposal to try to achieve their objectives. You can attack a nation several ways. One, you can get 19 kids to fly airplanes into buildings, or you can gain control of something a country needs and deny that country access to that, in this case, oil, and run the price of oil up, all attempting to inflict serious economic damage."
Is he reading the minutes of the Cheney Energy Task Force?
" Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, there is no benefit in allowing a widespread humanitarian nightmare to consume Iraq"
What Bush has brought to Iraq IS a widespread humanitarian nightmare. Its why we need to leave.