Friday, July 13, 2007

My weekly McLaughlin fix

Tonight on McLaughlin: Eleanor says that the Salazer Alexander bill won't stop the war, it is a way to get bipartisan support for a new strategy to fight the war, and the offer for such support has a very short shelf life from Dems. Republicans are desperate because they read polls. A. Huffington says its meaningless and is just for political cover.

Tony Blankley admires McCain for supporting Bush's war. I wonder what kind of Moonie connections McCain has?

The idea that the "new" strategy that we need is to pull back to bases and step up training is just the rehashed "as they stand up" crap. It's also a repeat of the surge approach, in that it might have worked four years ago, but its a bit late now. The only questions about the war are will we get out now or later, by our choice or by being forced, and with or without some hope that the UN or another international group will step in to provide real security while the Iraqis get a government going.

Everytime some joker says "if we leave, Iraq will be a humanitarian disaster", point out that Iraq already is a humanitarian disaster, and it is far from clear that we aren't making things worse.


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