Monday, October 01, 2007

Embassy rips Senate resolution

The U.S. embassy in Iraq denounced the U.S Senate resolution calling for partition of Iraq. The AP story said that the statement was "highly unusual".

The statement said that "attempts to partition or divide Iraq by intimidation, force or other means into three separate states would produce extraordinary suffering and bloodshed." The U.S. embassy ought to be well aware of this. Good thing that they would never consider using "intimidation, force, or other means." They are dead set against "extraordinary suffering and bloodshed."

But what if partition was achieved as a result of a negotiated settlement? Is this what they mean by "other means"? Is it possible such an agreement would reduce the extraordinary suffering and bloodshed currently occuring in Iraq?

Oh, never mind. I should give the embassy a pass. They are probably just frothing this hypocritical drivel to appease the insurgents firing mortars at them every day. The Senate, on the other hand, is still rolling over and funding the hypocrite in chief's war, and passing resolutions for another disastrous war with Iran.

With the current administration, however, the "highly unusual" is usual. Maybe the statement is just plain obvious; after all, just about anything is likely to lead to (continuation of the ) extraordinary suffering and bloodshed (that has resulted from the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.

It has been six months since Petraeus said there is no military solution in Iraq. So, beyond issuing press releases parroting Iraqi politicians, how are you embassy guys coming on that political solution?


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