Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pete Stark is a Great American

In the heat of the moment after President Bush reneged on his promise of compassionate conservatism and veto SCHIP, Rep. Stark connected Bush's lack of compassion for U.S. children, and his lack of compassion for those subject to violence in Iraq. Bush started the Iraq war. His stated reasons for starting it were false, probably knowingly false. The war continues, with a lot of people, mostly Iraqi but a few U.S., dying violently for no reason. These facts are not going away.

So the gutless Republicans can't handle the truth, and go after one guy who dares to speak it.

Even one who thinks the war is wrong, might disagree that Bush started the killing just for his own amusement. But then, one recalls Bush making the video for the Press club dinner about looking for WMD. Or his notorious mocking of Karla Faye Tucker before her excecution. So the thought is not entirely implausible.


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