Thursday, November 01, 2007

Juan Cole turns up the heat

Moderate academic and blogger extraordinare Juan Cole has turned up the heat on the pro-war faction of the government. First, he called for the closing of the American embassy in Baghdad. Second, he called on bloggers to 'Team B' the government's so-called intelligence on Iran.

To help in the effort, it would be nice to have a good web resource on U.S. intelligence on Iran. The establishment oriented Council on Foreign Relations has a start on Team B, although they would surely not characterize their work that way. This right wing article from the belly of the beast suggests that Team B members should not forget that any doubts they raise about Iran intelligence will be spun as an even greater reason to fear Iran by the pro war fanatics. I am not sure it qualifies as 'intelligence', but this report by the staff of the House intelligence committee from 2006 gives some insight into pro-war thinking.

Here are 2006's recent developments on Iran according to the Congressional Research Service. You can always check out Atomic Archive.


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