Ahmadinejad for Peace
He dismantles the lies of our delusional president regarding Iran's intentions. Then he goes on to present substantial remarks from Ahmadinejad stating Iran's peaceful intentions.
Now you might consider me to be a useless idiot for taking Ahmadinejad at face value (of course, that could not be as useless as taking 'Mission Accomplished' Bush at face value), but there is substantial independent evidence from the NIE and the IAEA that is consistent with Ahmadinejad's statements.
Usually, when the utter absence of any evidence for Iranian nuclear weapons program is shown, the foaming-at-the-mouth right wing fascists change the subject to Hamas and Hezbollah, two groups that are driven by local conditions in Palestine and Lebanon, and have nothing to do with any nuclear program.
There is no excuse for letting the delusional, dangerous Bush Cheney administration wreak havoc on the world. The congress needs to grow balls and put a stop to all this saber rattling over Iran.
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