McCain: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The good, or at least honest:
Asked if water boarding is torture, McCain said, "Sure. Yes. Without a doubt."
"So the United States has been torturing POWs?" Pelley asked.
The bad:
"Those who say just withdraw, then you say, 'What next?'" McCain asked in the 2007 interview.
I have ranted about this before. The pro-war people say that those who are for withdrawl don't have a plan for what's next. But the pro-war people have halfassed plan after halfassed plan, surge, pause, what the fuck, and they have no idea what's next. Hypocrites.
The ugly:
"I disagree with what the majority of the American people want....withdrawal will lead to chaos"
We stayed, and there was chaos. And contempt for the wishes of the people. The constitution gives the power to declare war to the congress, which is representative of the people. McCain, bless his straight talkin heart, admits that if elected (by the people, sort of, indirectly, via the electoral college) he will say "Screw You" to the people and continue this insane war that is bankrupting and bleeding this country dry. And he says this knowing full well that there are enough junior brownshirts in the USA that such comments will not hurt him at the polls.
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