Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Barack Obamabillies

So Hillary and her media repeaters are spewing the line that she is the better candidate because White Appalachians Without A College Education (WAWACE (tm)) will vote for McCain instead of Obama.

Leaving aside the critical issue of why we should give a shit about that, if we want to buy into Hillary's argument we should consider the question of whether Hillary or Obama would do better against McCain. This has been beaten to death, but on the plus side for Hillary we have WAWACE and Republican women. On the plus side for Obama we have independents, educated Republicans, Black people, people who never liked Hill and Billary, antiwar people, and people who think that Hillary and her husband making $15 million a year might just have a slight hint of corruption.

I am not a Black person, nor do I claim any special insight into what Black people think about voting for Hillary. However, Blacks have been a core constiuency for the Democrats for 40 years, voting for the party at rates around 90%. One of their own has won the majority of delegates that are selected by voters and caucusers. If the stupordelegates were to overturn the majority of Democrats and deny their guy, they would not be irrational in feeling that white Democrats had stolen the election from them. In all likelihood, enough would stay home on election day to ensure that McCain wins.

Finally, why should we cater to the lowest impulses in the electorate rather than the highest?

I do think that Obama will do a lot better than people are giving him credit for. He campaigned hard in southern Illinois and did well there when he ran for Senate. Southern Illinois borders, uh, Kentucky, by the way. It will be harder because the fall campaign will be wholesale campaigning, not retail.


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