Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pebbles and Bomb Bomb

Welcome to the Terrordome. Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2008 Republican ticket.

Mooseburgers and Budweiser, that's the ticket.

Now that McCain has picked someone with less experience than Dan Quayle for vice president, will that put all the foaming at the mouth about experience to rest? Any Hillary voter who would vote for McCain because of Palin does not give a steaming pile of moose dung about experience. It is possible, however, that they are a feminist bigot, or a racist scraping the bottom of the barrel for excuses.

Personally, I feel that the number of people who would fall into this category is rather small, but the NBC-Fox-McCain campaign likes to emphasize the views of a few wackos. (Besides John Sidney, that is.)

Anyone else notice that Palin looks a bit like Janine Turner from Northern Exposure?


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