smears, lies, and calumny
Almost nobody in the country knows anything about Sarah Heath Palin. Last night was her opportunity to show America how she could be a good vice president. She had an opportunity to talk about issues in a manner that shows she knows Zambia from Zimbabwe and Keynes from Kenya. Instead, she read an attack dog speech, chock full of lies, that could have been read by any of Karl Rove's other trained attack dogs.
Unfortunately for Obama, ignorant, negative campaigning tends to work pretty well, especially when the Republican press lets all sorts of whoppers from Republicans go unchallenged, while they jump all over even the mildest, slightly emotional attacks from Democrats.
Maybe he has seen Letterman's "Great Moments in Presidential Speeches," and has been inspired to put together Great Moments in McCain's Speeches. I also hope that his attack squad has been poring over the Keating 5 hearings. Do you think that in the midst of the current financial meltdown, people might find that relevant?
Well, I will watch John Sidney in a few minutes. I got my Miller brewed Fosters cooling in the fridgy.
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