McCain's insecurity
This does not seem particularly helpful to his campaign. People want their generals to lead, not to cower behind privates. Sure, they want their leaders to understand them, to have their interests in mind, and maybe they like to see that they can kick back and enjoy themselves like an ordinary person. But when the job calls for skills that are more than ordinary, you ought to play those up, not emphasize your plumber's smile or your taste for fresh moose.
I am not quite sure why McCain does this. Maybe he has a deep seated hatred for elites, stemming from his elite pedigree as the son and grandson of admirals. Maybe that explains has 'maverick' persona. Or maybe he is just insecure, and surrounds himself with people who do not make him feel insecure, as his more natural peers might.
Either way, I would be happier with a guy who knows how a leader is supposed to act as president. We don't need any more "My Pet Goat" acts.
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