Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Socialism" accusers are Racist

The foaming at the mouth right wingers have been going overboard in the presidential campaign calling Obama a socialist, communist, marxist, etc. Even McCain has join in this chant.

Nevermind that Obama was the democrat least supportive of single payer health care, or that his health care plan is a lot like Mitt Romney's. Nevermind that he is as beholden to Wall Street as any other mainstream politician.

I believe that the reason for this gusher of distortion comes from the racist core of the Klan wing of the Republican party (that is, the mainstream of the Republican party.) The racists know that it would be counterproductive to their cause to overtly advocate against Obama as a black man. Thus they use 'socialist' as a code word for black man, despite the utter absence of any socialist policies in Obama's platform.


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