Monday, June 04, 2007

Curiosities from the Iraq poll

The following items from the D3/ABC/ARD/BBC/USA Today poll from March struck me as curious.

53% of Iraqis think Saddam's execution harmed reconciliation efforts.

The percentages that think the following countries are encouraging sectarian violence are:
Syria, 66%; Iran, 71%; Saudi Arabia, 56%.

30% would move to another country if they could.

94% think forcible separation along ethnic lines is a bad thing!

Only 9% have never tried to avoid U.S. forces as a way of staying out of trouble.

The percentages that think the following countries are playing a negative role:
U.S., 77%, Iran, 67%, Syria, 63%, Saudi Arabia, 56%, Turkey, 46%, Russia, 13%.

If only 6% think forcible separation is a bad thing, who is doing all the ethnic cleansing?

For a supposedly Shiite dominated country, the negatives towards Iran seem very high. But this is consistent with Juan Cole's writings about the politics of the Sadrists.


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