Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hail to the Thief

Consortium News recalls the chant of 'Hail to the Thief' at his inauguration.

At the time, he had only stolen an election. Now the list is a bit longer..

He has stolen our economy, by trashing the economy for his looting, Cayman bound cohorts. Bush is a guy who bankrupt every organization he ran, always getting bailed out by his buddies. He's done it again, only this time the bailout is his corrupt cronies bailing on the u.s.

He has stolen our freedom. Intrusive spying, imprisoning and torturing people (including U.S. citizens, e.g., Jose Padilla) without charges, patriot act, Gonzales and Mukasey, Alito & Roberts.

He has stolen our environment, with orwellian named pollution permission laws.

He has stolen our safety, abandoning New Orleans, allowing 9-11, consuming the national defense in his mad obsession with Iraq.



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