Friday, November 02, 2007

Mukasey: Incompetent or War Criminal?

AG nominee Mukasey seems to be confused about whether waterboarding. Let me spell it out for you, Mikey: It is torture.

As an attorney, you should be well aware that waterboarding is illegal and has been for at least a century. The U.S. court-martialed soldiers for waterboarding during the Philippines and Vietnam wars. The U.S. prosecuted a Japanese military officer for waterboarding during WWII.

If you want to be attorney general, you should be able to answer a simple question about whether an action that is obviously illegal is, in fact, illegal. If you can't do that, how can you do the job?

Worse, even some Democratic Senators appear ready to overlook this clear disqualification.

Any of these Senators who think waterboarding is not torture ought to try it. C-Span could show it, probably highest ratings they would ever get. Bet none of those wimps could last 14 seconds.


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