Tuesday, December 11, 2007

For President: Dennis Kucinich

So it is a bit pretentious of me to copy the snooty style of newspaper endorsements. Plus, I am sure that my dozens of readers are unbelievably impatient to be told how to vote. But here goes anyway.

It really isn't too hard to rule out most of the candidates. Only Kucinich, Gravel, and Paul are firm in their opposition to the Iraq war. (Oooh, what about Obama? He's against the war, right Captain? Right, he gave a big speech against it when he was a Illinois State Senator. That's almost as big a platform as Cascada Observer. Plus, he didn't have to actually vote against it. Plus, he is not on the ballot in my state, one of the most glorious in our glorious democracy.)

So let's look at some other issues. Health care is a pretty important issue. Michael Moore made a movie about it, after all. Kucinich is for Medicare for All, and is a cosponsor of HR 676. Check. Gravel supports universal health care. Check, I think. Doctor Ron Paul introduced the Health Freedom Protection Act, HR 2117, to ensure Americans can receive truthful health information about supplements and natural remedies. Sorry, Dr. Paul, I don't think I will choose your medicine.

How about poverty and economic inequality? Kucinich goes for the whole shebang:

"We must make it a top priority to restore the value of the federal minimum wage, bringing it up to at least its 1968 level and indexing it to automatically keep pace with the cost of living. This will allow workers to quit their second or third jobs and spend more time with their families.

My goal is to combine this with the creation of a truly universal single-payer health care system, universal free preschool, free college tuition at state colleges and universities, a public jobs program to restore our infrastructure, and withdrawal from NAFTA and the WTO in favor of bilateral trade pacts that protect workers' rights here and abroad. "

Gravel's Progressive Fair Tax proposal calls for eliminating the IRS and the income tax and replacing it with a national sales tax. He is in denial about the regressive nature of sales taxes.

And Paul? He wants to end taxes on tips. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I'm sure that will have minimum wage workers fighting for the right to be paid through tax-free tips rather than through an actual wage.

Game, set, match to Kucinich.


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