Stop 'Stop-Loss', or Stop the War?
While it is nice to see a movie that exposes the meat-grinder aspects of military service, it is stopping the war that should be the priority.
The reason we have stop loss is that people really don't support this war enough to offer themselves up to the meat grinder. The politicians and the Pentagon know it, so they need to use stop loss to have enough IED fodder to keep the war running. John Kerry has been pushing his solution, increasing the size of the army, for four years now. In addition to the lack of enthusiasm people have for signing up, it appears that the money isn't there to support a bigger army. Another alternative way to add bodies would be a real draft. That sure as heck ain't flying.
I sure don't like Stop-Loss, but I like the war even less. I am not supporting a bigger Army, because that will keep the wars going. If you don't like stop loss, don't join the fucking army. If you are in the army and don't like stop loss, just don't go.
You mean it really isn't just a job, and you can't quit? Go to Canada or go to jail.
If George Bush had to send ten thousand soldiers to jail for refusing to go on a second or third tour of Iraq, while he spent Vietnam being young and irresponsible, we might find out where he has been hiding his balls since the 'Mission Accomplished' abomination.
Here is the Credo screedo:
See the movie. Stop the backdoor draft.
Once in awhile a film comes along that makes you want to tell everyone you know. Starring Ryan Phillippe as a soldier ordered to leave home and go back to Iraq, "Stop-Loss" is a new film dramatizing the practice of stop-loss -- the forced extension of service members' enlistment contracts.
Spread the word.
We've created a flyer that you can print and hand out to other movie-goers to help them understand the stop-loss policy and its effects on our men & women in the military, their families, and their communities. Please see this movie and help spread the word and increase awareness about the stop-loss policy and its tragic effects.
In the words of Iraq veteran and chairman of veterans' organization Jon Soltz,
"Stop Loss has been one of the most painful Pentagon policies for those who have served in Iraq. While the film examines how the policy might affect one soldier, this issue affects thousands and thousands of those who serve our nation, in a very similar way. Longer and more frequent deployments have been linked to depression and even suicide among our troops and veterans. We must rally behind our troops, and end this destructive policy."
Click here to sign our petition urging Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to end the military's stop-loss policy.
Thank you for working to build a better world.