Monday, May 26, 2008

McCain taunts Obama

(It is remarkable how little the candidates have had to say about Iraq during the campaign. Maybe it is because McCain challenged Obama six months ago, Obama rose to the challenge, and other issues have gain more immediate concern among the electorate. Or maybe both are being statesmenlike, and are staying quiet to avoid disrupting the delicate SOFA negotiations that President Bush and Madame Rice are negotiating so, ahh, skillfully? This is what I wrote six months ago. -co 08-10-29)

McCain says
Obama should visit Iraq again, as he hasn't been there in two years, and so much has changed. McCain goes every few months. For a stroll through the markets, without body armor, no less. Also, with Lieberman by his side to correct him when he puts his foot in it.

Now what does McCain think anyone is going to learn about Iraq from doing the DoD dog and pony show? It didn't keep him from thinking Iran supported Sunni militants in Iraq.

Some other juicy quotes, and my questions:
he has wanted to surrender for a long time

Okay, so if he wants to surrender, who does he want to surrender to? Huh, John?
talk about dates for withdrawal, which basically is surrender

So why is Obama's withdrawl plan surrender, while your plan to out by 2013 is not?
in Iraq after we're succeeding so well

If we are succeeding so well, how come you want to stay there five more years?

Another bit of bluster:
"I will never surrender in Iraq," McCain said. "I'll bring the troops home, but I'll bring them home with honor and victory."
Just like Nixon made Peace With Honor.Does McCain consider Nixon's peace agreement honorable? Was it 'victory'? Would have preferred to stay a POW in Hanoi, or to come home as a result of an agreement that many consider less than honorable, and equivalent to surrender? Does he wish Nixon would have made the deal and brought him home four years earlier? Is he going to say to the troops, "You can tough it out, I did." Yeah, prove you are tough, but what for? Toughness is no substitute for intelligence.


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